Synonymous Objects
What is the connection that can be made between a bookend and a tape measure, between a lamp and a showerhead or between a sofa and a sycamore seed? Beginning with an everyday situation followed by various common artefacts used as references Jeremy Edwards extends given forms and functions to produce new objects. Editions Jean Michel Place, France
ISBN: 2 85893 853 9
Hem i förvandling (The Home in Change)
Architecture Museum Year Book
Architecture Museum Publications, Sweden
ISSN: 0280-2686 853 9

Anonymous Objects
By means of a series of photographs taken in different major European cities - Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Rome & Stockholm - Anonymous Objects shows the general public's creativity in solving everyday problems using everyday materials.
Editions Jean Michel Place, France
ISBN: 2 85893 564 5

Utlitaires (Utilitarian)
Exhibition catalogue
VIA Publications, France